The MacDuffie School

As a student of MacDuffie school, you will be part of a supportive multicultural community. Boarding and homestay options are available. Boarding students live together in newly refurbished dormitories with a caring residential staff, many of whom are also their classroom teachers and coaches. Homestay students live with loving local families while attending school.
MacDuffie also offers its students many opportunities to get involved in extracurricular activities. As a student, you'll be able to take advantage of the beauty and culture of New England. Activities include apple picking, pumpkin carving, skiing, roller skating, concerts, museums, athletic events, fairs, theater performances, and shopping trips to local malls. There are also special visits to cities such as Boston, New York, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. MacDuffie also offers exciting opportunities in the arts and athletics.
When you partner with SMG to offer MacDuffie programs to your students, you are partnering with one of the top secondary schools in the country. MacDuffie is home to students from over 25 different countries, so you can ensure your students are exposed to a welcoming, diverse environment. There is a 100% college acceptance rate, along with an impressive 7:1 student to faculty ratio. With an average class size of 11, students can also receive the time and attention they need to improve their language skills and prepare for university. MacDuffie also offers over 30 AP and Honors courses for interested students.

Facts About MacDuffie
- 100% of all MacDuffie graduates are accepted at competitive 4 year colleges and universities
- Location provides rich academic, cultural, and recreational opportunity
- English Language Learner Program for students with all levels of English experience
- 7:1 student/teacher ratio provides an unmatched learning experience
- 74% of students receive scores of 3 or better on Advanced Placement Exams

Some College Acceptances for Graduates
- Bowdoin College
- Boston College
- Brown University
- Cornell University
- Harvard University
- New York University
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Smith College
- Vassar College
- Universities of Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Southern California
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, the application is online at Macduffie.org. Once completed, simply pay the $100 application fee and submit.
The first-round deadline was February 15. We are now accepting applications on a rolling admission basis.
Most students submit a TOEFL, but we accept all types of English testing including the IELTS, SSAT, SLEP, ELTiS, and others.
Yes. If the student cannot come to campus, the interview is done in Skype.
The MacDuffie School teaches students from grades 6 to 12.
Yes. The MacDuffie School offers two diplomas. Our traditional diploma can be obtained my fulfilling the standard MacDuffie curriculum. The MacDuffie International Diploma allows students who do not meet our standards in language or credit distribution to still obtain a valuable MacDuffie education.
Yes. Here at MacDuffie, we offer programs to help students with lower levels of English ability.
Program Manager
Susan first became involved at The MacDuffie School as the parent of two MacDuffie students. Soon after, Susan accepted a position on the Admissions staff in January of 1995, when there were only 20 international students enrolled at the school.
Susan quickly discovered that she had a passion for the international student community. Through hard work, commitment to the students, and professional partnerships developed over the years, the international student population has grown to over 125 students from more than 20 countries.