What We Do
At Student Management Group, we provide our students with every opportunity to broaden their cultural knowledge. Whether it is in the classroom or out exploring the various cities our programs have to offer, our students are guaranteed to have the cultural experience of a lifetime.
When you study with SMG, you can be assured you will be given every opportunity to customize your program. Students can choose which city they want to study in and often times even the specific school they would like to study at. Our partner schools offer almost every class, club, and sport imaginable.

Interest-Based Placements
Have a student interested in skiing or snowboarding? We will do everything possible to make sure that student is placed somewhere with great access to snow covered mountains. Or maybe a student is looking to take Advanced Placement classes. We will match them with a school and make sure they have access to as many AP classes they need to impress top American universities.
Our Service
We work very closely with all of our partner schools and we make sure to always know how our students are acclimating to their new environments. Our schools provide us with progress reports to ensure each student is succeeding in their academic and social endeavors. We also supply our students with academic transcripts, so they can easily transfer their credits earned here in America to their home country.
We expect all of our students to have an incredible experience. But, from years of experience, we also know not every program will be flawless. That is why all of our programs provide local representatives near our student placements. These representatives are available to our students, parents, and host families, to help with any possible issues that may arise during their exchange program. Our program directors are also always available to deal with any problems a student may be facing.
Here at SMG, we are much more than a placement program. From start to finish, we are here to provide the international community with the best student exchange experiences possible.